Five nights at pingas Wiki

The Spy is a enemy in Five Nights at Pingas 2. The BLU spy is also playable in Five Nights at Pingas 5.


If you look closely on the left, you'll see him.


The Spy is the secondary antagonist as the RED spy,but main antagonist as the BLU spy,his a RED spy from Team Fortress 2, but only with red eyes.


The Spy will appear on certain cameras as random objects, you just need to click on him to prevent him from moving. He can appear as a faucet, lamp, anything that looks different.


The Spy will first appear as a BLU scout and say: "WE GOT A SPY!" before turning into the RED spy and saying:

BLU spy jumpscare

BLU spy jumpscare

"Surprise!" as he gets closer.


He is one of the tritagonist The playable variant of the Spy in the fifth game is the BLU spy. He appears with arms raised in the air, and carries

Blu spy fnap5

BLU spy in FNaP5

a knife.


Unlike other characters, The BLU spy cannot jump, and can only kill enemies with his knife by stabbing them from behind. He also can turn invisible to dodge enemy attacks by pressing the up key or W, which the duration of this is displayed by a bar in the lower right corner. Also, the BLU spy can kill all enemies on screen by pressing Shift, you can use this ability after you fill the bar above the invisibility duration bar by killing enemies.


  • The Spy has a BLU counterpart that appears in "Gentleman Night" after completing the plot twist. He behaves just like the RED Spy except disguising as different objects, and appears as a RED soldier instead when jumpscaring you.
  • In Gentleman Night, the only enemies are Nyan Cat, RED spy, and BLU spy. You unlock Gentleman Night by beating the Plot Twist minigame
  • There are no laser gates in Gentleman Night.
    BLU spy

    BLU Spy as he appears in Gentleman Night, on the table between the camera listing.